Our prayer is that we continue to realize why we are over here and not to lose heart in the discouraging times. We've been experiencing moments of, "Wow, we really are different in a lot of ways!" (Us and the British culture) We are thankful for our relationship with the pastor and his wife over here. Please pray that our ministry team (us four) will continue to grow in grace and understanding for eachother. Uplifting one another with the Truth.
Our hearts for the youth are growing and for Bridlington!!! We have an upcoming outreach project. We are going to go to every residence in Bridlington and pass out a postcard with the gospel on it and info. about where our church is at. We are also praying that God will use this outreach for street witnessing and that we will be able to have an abundance of opportunities to share with people one on one. There are two parts to Bridlington... the "rougher" area where they are in "need" and the ritzy area where they don't "need" anything! This is going to be trying physically (we're walking) and emotionally.
This quote we found in a book is how we want to live: "God give to us hearts that bleed, eyes that are wide open to see, minds that are clear to interpret God's purpose, wills that are obedient, and a determination that is utterly unflinching as we set about the tasks He would have us to do."